Agile Philippines Meetup 2022.02

Ealden Escañan
Agile Philippines
Published in
2 min readMar 13, 2022


February 2022 was our *83rd* meetup, where we talked about technical agility, leadership, and Agile in organizations.

The cover photo was from our February 2019 meetup.

2019.02 Meetup

We made use of Lean Coffee to facilitate the meetup. We had 20 minute timeboxes for each topic, for a total of 4 topics tonight.

Topics and schedule were:

7:05 PM–8:20 PM:

  • Technical Agility 404 (link)
  • Agile leadership metrics (and what their action items look like) (link)
  • How is Agile being perceived by the majority and how it affects the purpose of Agile? (link)
  • How do organizations transform/adopt Agile nowadays? (link)

We then wrapped up with a closing circle :)

Agile Philippines meetups happen every last Wednesday of a month. This is a community event, and is only made possible by the people who go to the meetups, and the organizations who open their doors to allow us to meet as a community.

See you in March!

